1 Jul

black history  africa


What is black history? Many people go to school and are taught that black history started as far back as slavery. This is not true. black history has the most influence on the history of America today. Did you know that Santa Claus is real and he is black? Saint Nicholas is indeed black and the facts are in Europe. Did you know that the first people to discover America was Africans? Yes Africans were all over the world building pyramids. Did you know that Buddha was also Black? This is taboo because its too much to talk about. People fail to realize the Egypt is in Africa and the true Egyptians were black. I am not talking about this because I think it about that time we start researching our real history and not buy what they are selling.

Black history is more than slavery, we are Kings and Queens of the riches land, Africa.


Thank you for reading I hope this doesn’t’ make you mad but hey the Truth does hurt.



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